Over 100 Candidates in Florida Pledge to Support a Ban on Fracking
Tallahassee, Florida – Rethink Energy Action Fund, working with citizens from Floridians Against Fracking, recently announced that over 100 candidates for local, state, and federal office have pledged to support a ban on fracking. Floridians Against Fracking is one of the coalitions credited with the defeat of the 2016 pro-fracking regulatory bills and pushing for a ban on fracking in Florida.
In addition to supporting a ban, the pledge explains a few of the many negative impacts that are associated with fracking in Florida.
The pledge outlines that Florida heavily relies on our tourism and agriculture industries. Florida already has water scarcity and contamination issues, and fracking would only intensify those issues. 2-8 million gallons of water are required for each well drilled and 20-80 thousand gallons of chemicals are injected into each well.
Over the years, different bills have been introduced that would allow fracking in Florida, but with minor regulations. These bills still allow certain forms of fracking such as matrix acidizing, even though there are still dangerous chemicals being used, putting Florida’s tourism and agriculture industry at risk.
Across the state, this issue is becoming an election issue as candidates campaign based on their or their opponents position on fracking. For instance, in a debate in the Congress 23rd district race, Representative Wasserman-Schultz stated that there need to be regulations on fracking, whereas Candidate Tim Canova agreed that there needs to be a ban. Fracking and home rule has also been a factor in the Republican race for State Senate district 28 seat.
Lonnie Draper, a Tallahassee physician and President of Physicians for Social Responsibility Florida (PSR-Florida), a Nobel prize-sharing organization, said when asked why he supports a ban on fracking, “Fracking has been associated with a higher incidence of illness of people live near wells. It’s known to produce millions of gallons of toxic water. Many of the chemicals in the toxic water are carcinogens. Therefore, PSR Florida supports a ban of fracking in the fragile ecosystem of Florida, where Florida is so dependent on their clean water source which can be so easily contaminated.”
Speaking about one of the pro-fracking regulatory bills that died in the Florida Senate, Senator Montford said, “What puzzles me is those who we’re trying to protect, the citizens – they’re all against it. Those who are in favor of it are the ones who we’re trying to tighten down regulations on. That raises a red flag.”
Kim Ross, vice-president of ReThink Energy Action Fund and member of the Steering Committee for Floridians Against Fracking, stated, “As this becomes more and more of a campaign issue, it is clear that candidates must take a stand. The citizens of Florida want a ban on the practice in this state, and are looking toward candidates who support the same.”
Contact: Kim Ross, Vice President, ReThink Energy Action Fund, 850-888-2565
Candidates Supporting the Ban on Fracking in Florida
Candidate Pledge Form